Thursday 31 January 2013

Song-Silenced by the night


Here you have a nice song by the group Keane. What's special about them is that the don't have a guitarist and however, the sound and rythm are both brilliant

Click here, listen to the song and complete the following activity:

Presentations to complete-Intermediate 1

Dear all;

Here you have the presentations you have to complete in order to learn vocabulary:

You already know what you have to do about it

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Expressing preferences-Advanced level

Last week, we saw in class different ways of expressing preferences.

I hope this document could help you understand it much better

Collaborative presentation-ADVANCED

Dear all;

Here you have the link to the presentation. All along this year, we will try to fulfill it with new vocabulary that you may come accross as we go further with our programming.

I think it is a good way for organising and studying vocabulary, but I need all of you to take part in it.

Hope you find it useful and profit from it


Thursday 17 January 2013

Activities for advanced January the 17th

As we are practising speaking, the rest of you could do the following activity

  • Plan A: Download these two files in your computers and follow the instructions. You can comment the  last questions in small groups of four or five.

  • Plan B: If the previous activity doen't work or it takes too much time to get downloaded, you can try the following links:

  1. Exam practise (you can do reading and listening on your own)
  2. Watch any of these videos (specially the ones related to idioms)
  3. Listen to this recording and then do the following exercises:
a) The author mentions Asperger´s syndrome at the beginning of the novel.
b) The author never mentions Asperger´s syndrome in the novel.

2.   Mark Haddon uses Christopher´s voice because
              a) it´s neutral and toneless.
              b) it´s sentimental and explains things in detail.
a) Mark Haddon thinks “normal people” would never be obsessed with colours and food.
b) Mark Haddon thinks “normal people” also do strange things.

a) The novel shows how disabilities can limit your life
b) The novel is about realizing how limits aren´t necessarily so restrictive.

5.    Mark Haddon is surprised the novel has become a best-seller because
              a) there’s no sex or action.
              b) it’s about a disabled boy.